# App Development Lifecycle
# Development Flow
GoDaddy Poynt enables you to build applications that you can monetize through the App Center. Regardless of the type of solution you want to create, we have designed a very straightforward process to get you started as quickly as possible.
Remember to set up your developer account as many of the steps in the development flow require interaction with our platform.

# App Ideation & Design
This is considered one of the most important steps in the development lifecycle. Here, you must determine the kind of application you want to create, as well as the features, functionalities and overall value offered to merchants.
If you are still unsure about the types of applications you can build on the GoDaddy Poynt ecosystem, make sure to check out our section for developing your first app to learn more about the subject.
We also recommend getting to know our merchants to gain a better understanding of what potential users may be looking for.
# Development & Testing
This part of the process will depend entirely on you as a developer. However, we have placed a great number of tools within our documentation to help you through the creation and development process. You can also leverage all the available resources to create innovative and dynamic functionalities for your application.
We strongly recommend taking whatever time is necessary to test your application thoroughly. If you have a developer kit, the device will also allow you to test card readings and second-screen information, among other POS interactions.
# Review & Approval
Once you finish your application, you can submit it for review in the developer center. GoDaddy Poynt will evaluate the submission to verify its compliance with our existing development guidelines and provide any necessary feedback for you to implement in the application.
The review and approval process is usually completed within one business day. If your application is rejected, you also will receive a detailed explanation on the portal.
# App Center Launch
After receiving the approval confirmation, you can determine when you would like to launch the application. GoDaddy Poynt will follow this instruction and the application will become available for subscription for all merchants on the App Center.
Once your application is live, merchants will be able to subscribe to it based on your business model. At the same time, GoDaddy Poynt will coordinate all the billing details.
# Growth & Enhancement
Based on the merchant experience, as well as feedback and suggestions received on the ratings and reviews section, you can continue to implement enhancements to the application and release new versions with additional features, newer styles, or any other improvements you consider necessary.
When releasing a new version, you should also create a strategy to transfer merchants from the existing version to the new one without affecting their subscription or the app's overall performance.
# Marketing & Distribution
GoDaddy Poynt's marketing and distribution model is based on an open-platform concept, which means that we connect approved applications with hundreds of thousands of merchants worldwide through the App Center. Developers can create solutions to solve merchant needs and monetize them using a subscription model at the store or business level.
Currently, GoDaddy Poynt only supports monthly subscription models with free trials in most cases, and a minimum subscription charge of $4.99.
Free plans require an agreement with GoDaddy Poynt and must undergo an approval process. If you would like to learn more about free plans, you can check our free plans section or contact devsupport@poynt.co.
Once you sign up and add your first application to the developer center, you will also be able to manage profits and track app installations directly from your dashboard.