# Available Resources
# GoDaddy Poynt SDKs
The GoDaddy Poynt development environment is equipped with a number of resources that make it easier for developers to create comprehensive solutions and integrate with different services on the cloud.
Poynt SDK (Software Development Kit) is a set of tools to facilitate the development of applications on the PoyntOS platform. SDKs are strictly related to the latest version of PoyntOS, and they allow developers to code numerous elements into their applications.
You can also refer to the Poynt SDK Java Doc (opens new window) for more information on the subject.
# GoDaddy Poynt APIs
GoDaddy Poynt APIs (opens new window) (Application Programming Interface) are the mechanisms we use to allow communication between software components.
All of GoDaddy Poynt's APIs are created using common RESTful design patterns that are highly accessible through standard HTTP semantics. Below are some of the examples of API implementations using different technologies:
# Developer Kit
We know that UX/UI elements are very important for app developers. For this reason, we highly encourage ordering a Developer Kit, which includes a fully functional and merchant-ready Smart Terminal that allows you to get a first-hand consumer/merchant perspective.
You can purchase the developer kit in the Developers (opens new window) section of our website by clicking Order Dev Kit. This button will open a form where you can select the specific device you wish to purchase and provide your information for shipping.
You can also place an order for a developer kit on the Dev Resouces section in the developer center (opens new window).

# Configuration
Smart Terminals are designed specifically for GoDaddy Poynt merchants. However, developer kits now come with a developer mode configured out-of-the-box for your device.
The developer mode is considered a mock environment, which won't allow real transactions. However, it provides a very close experience that can help you understand transactions and create the right components.
# GoDaddy Poynt Emulator

The GoDaddy Poynt emulator is a developer version of PoyntOS that can be used on an Android emulator. This resource was designed to help developers create, test, and analyze their applications without needing a physical smart terminal. It also allows you to access several functionalities, default applications, transactional data, and customer data from the terminal.
Keep in mind that features that rely on a physical device such as card reading and second-screen input are not supported. You can also execute the emulator from any 7" tablet as long as your coding is coming from a multi-screen resolution.
If you wish to download and set up a GoDaddy Poynt emulator in your device, you can refer to the emulator setup section for more information.
# Developer Forum
Based on our open-platform concept, we have created a series of discussion forums that allow developers to interact with other contributors. Here, they can resolve doubts, fix unexpected issues, and get the best out of GoDaddy Poynt's services.
# Accessing the Forum
If you wish to explore the forum, you can click on the Help button in the upper right corner of this page, which will activate a drop down that will show three different options.

Please select the Discussion Forums option to be redirected to the site.
Once you access the forum, you will be presented with four discussion categories. You must select the Developer category.

The developer category is currently made up of 4 sections created for specific subjects. Each section will have a short description to help you find the right place for your questions.
# PoyntOS & SDK
This section includes discussions and questions related to the resources and services provided by PoyntOS and SDK. Some of the topics suggested in this category include but are not limited to:
- How to make a Patch Request to update the category name?
- Poynt SDK method to print receipt items.
- Poynt Emulator configuration issues.
# Poynt Cloud APIs
This section is focused on the APIs that provide developers with access to merchant data and resources over the cloud. Below are some of the topics you may find in the forum:
- Generating an access token using Curl.
- Registering Poynt Store Webhooks for Poynt Cloud APIs.
- Creating an order with transaction details.
# Developer Center
In this section, you will find a series of discussions about the Developer Center (opens new window) to help developers create, manage, and access applications, credentials, and documentation. Top suggestions in this forum will include:
- Activating the Poynt Terminal.
- Uploading, recovering and updating APKs.
# Nexi
This section is an additional discussion board specific to Italy for developers who currently work with Nexi. Top discussions include:
- Integration with Payment Bridge API.
- Application Market.
- Emulator Installation.