# Void

# Endpoint


# Request

Property Type Description
HTTP Headers
Signature String Sha-256 hmac of the JSON payload.
Content-Type text/plain Even the payload is a JSON object, POS Bridge parses it as a string, therefore it is important to pas content-type as "text/plain" otherwise the authentication will fail.
poyntRequestId String UUID of the request.
transactionId String Poynt transaction ID of the previous authorization or pre-authorization
timeout int Client timeout in milliseconds.

# Response


Most of the response properties are the same as what has already been described in the Sale section. To avoid repetition the table below only lists the new values.

Property Type Description
HTTP Headers
Content-Type application/json Content-type of the payload.
Signature String Sha-256 hmac of the JSON payload.
Transaction Properties
action String "AUTHORIZE"
status String "VOIDED"
voided boolean Set to true if the transaction has been voided.
links JSON Array List of link objects showing relationship of this refund to other transactions. Link object properties:

href - transaction ID or related transaction

method - GET. HTTP verb to use to pull this resource

rel - how the transaction is related to this transaction.

# Request Example

POST /devices/cat/authorizeVoid HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.43.0
Accept: */*
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Type: application/json
Signature: 9e16609e210eb48d31fbb512965e868a163801ef33223fb582ecfa4b60821e88
Content-Length: 131

    "transactionId": "3fbdb67d-b010-4ee9-8f20-af2f2f6bbc60",

# Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: Keep-Alive
Signature: C3291676F8489CB00541BBFF44EB2B0324FCBD2270BE0E4F3BC90876D12044C3
Content-Length: 2817
Content-Type: application/json

    "catResponse": {
        "accountNumber": "525107******1301",
        "approvalCode": "630339",
        "cardCompanyID": "M",
        "cardHolderFirstName": "JAMES",
        "cardHolderLastName": "SMITH",
        "centerResultCode": "",
        "sequenceNumber": 5415,
        "paymentCondition": 0,
        "transactionType": 29
    "payment": {
        "transactions": [
                "action": "AUTHORIZE", 
                "adjusted": true, 
                "amounts": {
                    "cashbackAmount": 0, 
                    "currency": "USD", 
                    "customerOptedNoTip": false, 
                    "orderAmount": 9753100, 
                    "tipAmount": 2438275, 
                    "transactionAmount": 12191375
                "authOnly": false,
                "context": {
                    "businessId": "469e957c-57a7-4d54-a72a-9e8f3296adad",
                    "businessType": "TEST_MERCHANT",
                    "employeeUserId": 1526454,
                    "mcc": "5812",
                    "source": "INSTORE",
                    "sourceApp": "co.poynt.services",
                    "storeDeviceId": "urn:tid:df0f23b3-1d90-3466-91a9-0f2157da5687", 
                    "storeId": "c2855b41-1dd5-4ecc-8258-f0c89ae40338", 
                    "transmissionAtLocal": "2017-03-11T18:18:53Z"
                "createdAt": "2017-03-11T18:18:54Z", 
                "customerUserId": 1543964, 
                "fundingSource": {
                    "card": {
                        "cardHolderFirstName": "JAMES", 
                        "cardHolderFullName": "SMITH/JAMES", 
                        "cardHolderLastName": "SMITH", 
                        "expirationMonth": 7,
                        "expirationYear": 2018,
                        "id": 34541,
                        "numberFirst6": "525107", 
                        "numberLast4": "1301", 
                        "numberMasked": "525107******1301", 
                        "status": "ACTIVE",
                        "type": "MASTERCARD"
                    "debit": false,
                    "emvData": {
                        "emvTags": {
                            "0x5F2A": "0840",
                            "0x5F24": "180731"
                    "entryDetails": {
                        "customerPresenceStatus": "PRESENT",
                        "entryMode": "TRACK_DATA_FROM_MAGSTRIPE"
                    "type": "CREDIT_DEBIT"
                "id": "3fbdb67d-b010-4ee9-8f20-af2f2f6bbc60",
                "links": [
                        "href": "ed56ab6a-ee35-4c88-ac51-e3e2f53f220b", 
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "REFUND"
                "partiallyApproved": false,
                "processorResponse": {
                    "acquirer": "CHASE_PAYMENTECH",
                    "approvalCode": "630339", 
                    "approvedAmount": 9753100, 
                    "batchId": "1",
                    "processor": "MOCK",
                    "retrievalRefNum": "3fbdb67d-b010-4ee9-8f20-af2f2f6bbc60", 
                    "status": "Successful",
                    "statusCode": "1",
                    "statusMessage": "Successful",
                    "transactionId": "3fbdb67d-b010-4ee9-8f20-af2f2f6bbc60"
                "references": [
                        "customType": "referenceId",
                        "id": "be97ff20-015a-1000-dd69-f169c19f49b0", 
                        "type": "CUSTOM"
                "signatureCaptured": true,
                "status": "VOIDED",
                "updatedAt": "2017-03-11T22:59:33Z",
                "voided": true
        "status": "COMPLETED", 
        "amount": 0,
        "tipAmount": 0, 
        "cashbackAmount": 0, 
        "disableEMVCT": false, 
        "disableEbtCashBenefits": false, 
        "disableEbtFoodStamps": false, 
        "disableEbtVoucher": false, 
        "disableMSR": false, 
        "disableManual": false, 
        "disableOther": false, 
        "disablePaymentOptions": false, 
        "disableTip": false, 
        "disableDCC": false, 
        "isBalanceInquiry": false, 
        "manualEntry": false, 
        "multiTender": false, 
        "nonReferencedCredit": false,
        "disableCheck": false, 
        "disableChangeAmount": false, 
        "disableCash": false, 
        "readCardDataOnly": false, 
        "debitOnly": false,
        "debit": false, 
        "skipReceiptScreen": false, 
        "creditOnly": false, 
        "disableEMVCL": false, 
        "disableDebitCards": false, 
        "cashOnly": false, 
        "authzOnly": false, 
        "disableDebit": false, 
        "adjustToAddCharges": false, 
        "verifyOnly": false,
        "voucher": false
    "poyntRequestId": "7982DC19-274C-44B2-8DEB-7016B62C26E1"
Last Updated: 8/14/2023, 1:52:36 PM