# Voice Auth

# Endpoint


# Request

Property Type Description
HTTP Headers
Signature String Sha-256 hmac of the JSON payload.
Content-Type text/plain Even the payload is a JSON object, POS Bridge parses it as a string, therefore it is important to pas content-type as "text/plain" otherwise the authentication will fail.
poyntRequestId String UUID of the request.
timeout int Client timeout in milliseconds. Once client timeout is reached POS Bridge will return an error.
payment JSON Object Contains options for the payment session. Encloses all the properties below.
currency String 3 digit currency code. Property inside payment object.
referenceId String Optional. Reference id that can be set by the POS. If not set, POS Bridge sets it by default to a UUID.
orderId String Optional. UUID. If there is an order Object created in the Poynt cloud, setting orderId will link this payment with the order object.
order JSON Object Optional. For more information please refer to the GoDaddy Poynt API reference https://poynt.com/docs/api/#model-order
amount int Transaction amount in cents.
tipAmount int Optional. Tip amount in cents (this is in addition to amount)
skipReceiptScreen boolean Optional. If set to true, receipt screen is skipped on the terminal. Receipt screen allows customer to request printed receipt or receipt via email and SMS.
manualEntry boolean Optional. Terminal prompts for card to be entered manually. This option will only work if the terminal is configured to process manual entry on the second screen.
offlineAuth boolean Required. Forces the terminal to go into voice auth mode.
offlineApprovalCode String Optional. If not provided the terminal operator will be prompted to enter the auth code in the payment fragment.

# Request Example

POST /devices/cat/authorizeSales HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.43.0
Accept: */*
Content-Type: text/plain
Signature: c9fa862e1e1ee49c112dabcb81d06be7b27ef3661c5d551f1ebac6b4d555be68
Content-Length: 933

    "timeout": 70000,
    "poyntRequestId": "B985B5CC-F8E9-47CD-85E9-4F3171FF31B0", 
    "payment": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "referenceId": "586DFE74-5CB6-4692-9FF3-048CA049673C", 
        "orderId": "91D4FAA4-FA5B-45E9-BB54-7ACB1438079D", 
        "order": {
            "amounts": { 
                "currency": "USD", 
                "subTotal": 1000
            "id": "91D4FAA4-FA5B-45E9-BB54-7ACB1438079D", 
            "items": [
                    "name": "Item1", 
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "status": "ORDERED", 
                    "tax": 0,
                    "unitOfMeasure": "EACH", 
                    "unitPrice": 100
                    "name": "Item2", "quantity": 1,
                    "status": "ORDERED", 
                    "tax": 0,
                    "unitOfMeasure": "EACH",
                    "unitPrice": 100
                    "name": "Item3", 
                    "quantity": 8,
                    "status": "ORDERED", 
                    "tax": 0,
                    "unitOfMeasure": "EACH", 
                    "unitPrice": 100
            "statuses": {
                "status": "OPENED"
        "amount": 1000,
        "tipAmount": 0, 
        "skipReceiptScreen": true, 
        "offlineAuth": true, 
        "offlineApprovalCode": "qwerty"

# Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: Keep-Alive
Signature: 3F57A635AAD46F9B19C9B2FC440B54E884ECFBE9B2657FFE704D9C3E4689450A
Content-Length: 3264
Content-Type: application/json
    "catResponse": {
        "approvalCode": "",
        "cardCompanyID": "V",
        "cardHolderFirstName": "", 
        "cardHolderLastName": "07675006903$00000$", 
        "centerResultCode": "",
        "sequenceNumber": 77, 
        "paymentCondition": 0, 
        "transactionType": 10
    "payment": {
        "transactions": [
                "action": "SALE", 
                "amounts": {
                    "currency": "USD", 
                    "orderAmount": 1000, 
                    "tipAmount": 0, 
                    "transactionAmount": 1000
                "approvalCode": "qwerty",
                "authOnly": false,
                "createdAt": "2017-03-27T22:23:07Z", 
                "fundingSource": {
                    "card": { 
                        "cardHolderFirstName": "",
                        "cardHolderFullName": "07675006903$00000$", 
                        "cardHolderLastName": "07675006903$00000$", 
                        "encrypted": true,
                        "expirationDate": 31,
                        "expirationMonth": 5,
                        "expirationYear": 2021,
                        "keySerialNumber": "FFFF9876543210E000D7", "numberFirst6": "435880",
                        "numberLast4": "3536",
                        "track1data":"E1ADBE420D2462373856574FB593CDF5446824682BB8F04433EA1C97613BF67D85E6E4E0956D12AE6AFB1079E7A7FB9A216B C373004E082143468FE6EFF93C5FB1C16FB586AE6A13",
                        "track2data": "F53B2BB0FCAD19E96E846F39C603CDBC8FE558218584B9DB37AC4479F943DF00287D2C55A6331059",
                        "type": "VISA"
                    "emvData": {
                        "emvTags": {
                            "0x5F24": "210531",
                            "0x1F815D": "47",
                            "0x5F20": "303736373530303639303324303030303024", 
                            "0x1F8104": "33353336",
                            "0x1F815F": "01",
                            "0x1F8103": "343335383830",
                            "0x5F2A": "0840",
                            "0x1F815E": "26",
                            "0x1F8102": "FFFF9876543210E000D7",
                            "0x5F30": "121F",
                            "0x1F8160": "02",
                            "0x1F8161": "00",
                            "0x1F8162": "00",
                            "0x5F36": "02",
                            "0x57": "F53B2BB0FCAD19E96E846F39C603CDBC8FE558218584B9DB37AC4479F943DF00287D2C55A6331059",
                            "0x58": "",
                            "0x9F39": "02", 
                            "0x1F8153": "28E578F2", 
                            "0x56": "E1ADBE420D2462373856574FB593CDF5446824682BB8F04433EA1C97613BF67D85E6E4E0956D12AE6AFB1079E7A7FB9A216B C373004E082143468FE6EFF93C5FB1C16FB586AE6A13"
                    "entryDetails": {
                        "customerPresenceStatus": "PRESENT",
                        "entryMode": "TRACK_DATA_FROM_MAGSTRIPE"
                    "type": "CREDIT_DEBIT"
                "id": "11dd9a34-015b-1000-fc08-2b6e519177d8",
                "references": [
                        "id": "91d4faa4-fa5b-45e9-bb54-7acb1438079d", 
                        "type": "POYNT_ORDER"
                "status": "CAPTURED"
        "status": "COMPLETED",
        "currency": "USD",
        "referenceId": "586DFE74-5CB6-4692-9FF3-048CA049673C", 
        "orderId": "91d4faa4-fa5b-45e9-bb54-7acb1438079d",
        "order": {
            "amounts": { 
                "currency": "USD", 
                "subTotal": 1000
            "id": "91d4faa4-fa5b-45e9-bb54-7acb1438079d",
            "items": [
                    "name": "Item1", 
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "status": "ORDERED", 
                    "tax": 0,
                    "unitOfMeasure": "EACH", 
                    "unitPrice": 100
                    "name": "Item2", 
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "status": "ORDERED", 
                    "tax": 0,
                    "unitOfMeasure": "EACH", 
                    "unitPrice": 100
                    "name": "Item3", 
                    "quantity": 8,
                    "status": "ORDERED", 
                    "tax": 0,
                    "unitOfMeasure": "EACH", 
                    "unitPrice": 100
            "statuses": {
                "status": "OPENED"
        "offlineApprovalCode": "qwerty",
        "amount": 1000,
        "tipAmount": 0, 
        "cashbackAmount": 0, 
        "disableEMVCT": false, 
        "disableEbtCashBenefits": false, 
        "disableEbtFoodStamps": false, 
        "disableEbtVoucher": false, 
        "disableMSR": false, 
        "disableManual": false, 
        "disableOther": false, 
        "disablePaymentOptions": false, 
        "disableTip": false, 
        "disableDCC": false,
        "isBalanceInquiry": false, 
        "manualEntry": false, 
        "multiTender": false, 
        "nonReferencedCredit": false, 
        "disableCheck": false, 
        "disableChangeAmount": false, 
        "offlineAuth": true, 
        "disableCash": false, 
        "debitOnly": false, 
        "readCardDataOnly": false, 
        "debit": false,
        "creditOnly": false, 
        "skipReceiptScreen": true, 
        "disableEMVCL": false, 
        "cashOnly": false, 
        "disableDebitCards": false, 
        "authzOnly": false, 
        "applicationIndex": 0, 
        "disableDebit": false, 
        "adjustToAddCharges": false, 
        "verifyOnly": false,
        "voucher": false
    "poyntRequestId": "B985B5CC-F8E9-47CD-85E9-4F3171FF31B0"
Last Updated: 12/20/2023, 11:02:09 AM