# CollectJS
Wallet payments uses Poynt Collect plugin (CollectJS script) to embed an iframe that securely process payment from your website. Learn how to customize your wallet checkout experience using the CollectJS APIs.
Collect script are publicly accessible,
Production |
https://cdn.poynt.net/collect.js |
Live testing in PROD only
Live testing can only be done in PRODUCTION script using LIVE merchant
For UI styling reference for iframe, form, and button, refer to this page.
# CollectJS API
# SupportWalletPayments() required
Checks buyer's device or browser compatibility to support ApplePay, GooglePay and Paze
Disable Wallet
You can disable verification for a specific wallet by passing the disableWallets
parameter to WalletRequest object during CollectJS initialization
Returns SupportWalletPaymentsResponse object
.then((result) => {
const paymentMethods = [];
if (result.googlePay) {
if (result.applePay) {
if (result.paze) {
if (paymentMethods.length) {
collect.mount("collect-container", document, {
paymentMethods: paymentMethods,
.catch((error) => {
# Mount(domElement, document, mountOptions) required
Creates iframe under domElement containing wallet button.
: style the wallet button or/and to add custom onClick event handler (options will apply to both the ApplePay™ button and the GooglePay™ button)applePayButtonOptions
: style the ApplePay™ button or/and to add custom onClick event handler (has a higher priority, styles from the buttonOptions parameter will be overwritten). See all available options in ApplePay brand guidelinegooglePayButtonOptions
: style the GooglePay™ button or/and to add custom onClick event handler (has a higher priority, styles from the buttonOptions parameter will be overwritten). See all available options in GooglePay™ brand guideline (opens new window)pazeButtonOptions
: style the Paze™ button or/and to add custom onClick event handler (has a higher priority, styles from the buttonOptions parameter will be overwritten)
Sample buttonOptions styling:
collect.supportWalletPayments().then((ok) => {
if (ok.googlePay) {
collect.mount("collect-container", document, {
paymentMethods: ["google_pay"], // "google_pay", "apple_pay", "paze"
buttonOptions: {
color: "black",
type: "buy",
locale: "US",
applePayButtonOptions: {
color: "white",
googlePayButtonOptions: {
type: "pay",
paseButtonOptions: {
color: "default",
# StartApplePaySession() optional
Must be called in a custom onClick event handler if one was passed to buttonOptions/applePayButtonOptions during mounting.
Method parameter: WalletRequestUpdate (optional)
This method is used to open wallet payment sheet. Examples:
collect.supportWalletPayments().then((result) => {
if (result.applePay) {
collect.mount("collect-container", document, {
paymentMethods: ["apple_pay"],
buttonOptions: {
onClick: (event) => {
const update = {
total: ...,
lineItems: [...],
shippingMethods: [...],
couponCode: ...,
if (event.source === "apple_pay") {
collect.supportWalletPayments().then((result) => {
if (result.applePay) {
collect.mount("collect-container", document, {
paymentMethods: ["apple_pay"],
applePayButtonOptions: {
onClick: (event) => {
const update = {
total: ...,
lineItems: [...],
shippingMethods: [...],
couponCode: ...,
# StartGooglePaySession() optional
Must be called in a custom onClick event handler if one was passed to buttonOptions/googlePayButtonOptions during mounting.
Method parameter: WalletRequestUpdate (optional)
This method is used to open wallet payment sheet. Examples:
collect.supportWalletPayments().then((result) => {
if (result.googlePay) {
collect.mount("collect-container", document, {
paymentMethods: ["google_pay"],
buttonOptions: {
onClick: (event) => {
const update = {
total: ...,
lineItems: [...],
shippingMethods: [...],
couponCode: ...,
if (event.source === "google_pay") {
collect.supportWalletPayments().then((result) => {
if (result.googlePay) {
collect.mount("collect-container", document, {
paymentMethods: ["google_pay"],
applePayButtonOptions: {
onClick: (event) => {
const update = {
total: ...,
lineItems: [...],
shippingMethods: [...],
couponCode: ...,
# StartPazeSession() optional
Must be called in a custom onClick event handler if one was passed to buttonOptions/pazeButtonOptions during mounting.
Method parameter: WalletRequestUpdate (optional)
This method is used to open wallet payment sheet. Examples:
collect.supportWalletPayments().then((result) => {
if (result.paze) {
collect.mount("collect-container", document, {
paymentMethods: ["paze"],
buttonOptions: {
onClick: (event) => {
const update = {
total: ...,
lineItems: [...],
shippingMethods: [...],
couponCode: ...,
if (event.source === "paze") {
collect.supportWalletPayments().then((result) => {
if (result.paze) {
collect.mount("collect-container", document, {
paymentMethods: ["paze"],
applePayButtonOptions: {
onClick: (event) => {
const update = {
total: ...,
lineItems: [...],
shippingMethods: [...],
couponCode: ...,
# AbortApplePaySession() optional
ApplePay only
Only available for Apple Pay and will not work for Google Pay and Paze
This method is used to force close an Apple Pay payment sheet. Will have no effect if the Apple Pay payment sheet is not active at the time this method is called.
# Wallet Event Methods
# Complete(walletRequestUpdate) required
Parameter Mutation
Only available in Payment Authorized event and its only for error handling
Method parameter: WalletRequestUpdate
This method is used to perform billing/shipping address validation before completing payment authorization and closing wallet payment sheet session. You can only pass WalletError object as part of the arguments/options.
collect.on("payment_authorized", (e) => {
let update = {
"error": {
"code": "invalid_payment_data",
"message": "Payment data is not valid"
e.complete(update); // e.complete() for no error
# UpdateWith(walletRequestUpdate) optional
Parameter Mutation
Method parameter will be mutated as user interacts with wallet payment sheet. Keep a copy of initial value so that you don't lose reference
Method parameter: WalletRequestUpdate
Updates wallet request total, displayed items, shipping methods, coupon code and possibly error when wallet payment sheet is modified. This method should be used inside the following event handlers:
- Shipping Address Change
- Shipping Method Change
- Coupon Code Change
IMPORTANT WalletRequest.total is NOT calculated on-the-fly and it will be overwritten. You will need to handle the cost adjustment due to event triggers.
collect.on("shipping_address_change", (e) => {
const options = {
lineItems: [
label: "Express Shipping",
amount: "7.00", // wallet does NOT calculate total cost on-the-fly
total: {
label: "Total",
amount: OlsServer.calcShipping(e.shippingAddress, walletRequest.total.amount),
In case you just wanted to display error without modifying existing line items, shipping methods, or total, simply just pass in WalletError as an option to updateWith method. Refer to Payment Sheet Errors and Input Validation for more detailed usage.
collect.on("shipping_address_change", (e) => {
const options = {
error: {
code: "invalid_shipping_address",
contactField: "locality",
message: "We don't support shipping to SINALOA, choose different address",
update + handle error
You can modify displayed line items, total, shipping options and coupon code while throwing errors by including all the fields when calling updateWith method
# Schemas
TypeScript Models
Documentation uses typescript object syntax to define field name, requirement, and type
# WalletRequest
WalletRequest is an object which contains fields of supported payment options
interface WalletRequest {
total: LineItem;
country: string; //merchant's two-letter ISO 3166 country code
currency: string; //three-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the payment
merchantName: string;
shippingType?: string; //default "shipping"
shippingMethods?: ShippingMethod[]; //IMPORTANT! requireShippingAddress must be "true" to initialize shipping methods
lineItems?: LineItem[];
requireEmail?: boolean;
requirePhone?: boolean;
requireShippingAddress?: boolean;
supportCouponCode?: boolean;
couponCode?: CouponCode; //IMPORTANT! requireCouponCode must be "true" to initialize coupon code
error?: WalletError;
disableWallets?: {
applePay?: boolean;
googlePay?: boolean;
paze?: boolean;
# MountOptions
interface MountOptions {
paymentMethods?: PaymentMethod[]; // "apple_pay" | "google_pay" | "card"
buttonsContainerOptions?: ButtonsContainerOptions;
buttonOptions?: ButtonOptions;
applePayButtonOptions?: ButtonOptions;
googlePayButtonOptions?: ButtonOptions;
pazeButtonOptions: ButtonOptions;
# ButtonsContainerOptions
interface ButtonsContainerOptions {
justifyContent?: string;
alignItems?: string;
flexDirection?: string;
style?: Record<string, string>; // object with valid CSS styles
className?: string;
# ButtonOptions
interface ButtonOptions {
color?: ButtonColor; // "default" | "black" | "white"
type?: ButtonType; // "book" | "buy" | "checkout" | "donate" | "order" | "plain" | "subscribe";
locale?: string;
width?: string;
height?: string;
margin?: string;
onClick?: (event: ButtonClickEvent) => void;
# ButtonClickEvent
interface ButtonClickEvent {
source: string; // "apple_pay" | "google_pay"
# WalletRequestUpdate
Wallet request update fields, if present, will overwrite (patch) whatever value stored in WalletRequest as is.
interface WalletRequestUpdate {
total?: LineItem; //overwrite total as is
shippingMethods?: ShippingMethod[]; //IMPORTANT! shipping methods will not be updated if an empty array is passed
lineItems?: LineItem[];
couponCode?: CouponCode;
error?: WalletError;
# LineItem
indicates whether the total price displayed on the payment sheet will be changed after the payment is authorized (for example, depending on the billing address). If omitted, defaults as "false".isPending
indicates whether the line item price is pending or final. If set to "true" line item will not be displayed on the payment sheet. If omitted, defaults as "false".
interface LineItem {
label: string;
amount: string;
isPending?: boolean;
# ShippingMethod
interface ShippingMethod {
id: string;
label: string;
detail: string;
amount: string;
# CouponCode
interface CouponCode {
code: string;
label: string;
# WalletError
interface WalletError {
code?: WalletErrorCode;
message?: string;
contactField?: WalletErrorContactField;
# WalletErrorCode
type WalletErrorCode = "invalid_shipping_address" | "invalid_billing_address" | "invalid_coupon_code" | "expired_coupon_code" | "unserviceable_address" | "unknown";
# WalletErrorContactField
type WalletErrorContactField = "administrativeArea" | "countryCode" | "postalCode" | "locality";
# SupportWalletPaymentsResponse
interface SupportWalletPaymentsResponse {
googlePay: boolean;
applePay: boolean;
# Address
interface Address {
emailAddress?: string;
administrativeArea?: string;
countryCode?: string;
postalCode?: string;
locality?: string;
phoneNumber?: string;
addressLines?: string[];
name?: string;
# WalletButtonClickResponse
interface WalletButtonClickResponse {
source: string;
# PaymentAuthorizedResponse
is a one-time use payment token. Charge this token from your backend to process payment.
interface PaymentAuthorizedResponse {
nonce: string; // payment token
source: PaymentMethod; // "apple_pay" | "google_pay" | "paze:
shippingAddress?: Address;
billingAddress?: Address;
complete: Function; // only for handling invalid billing address
# ShippingAddressChangeResponse
interface ShippingAddressChangeResponse {
shippingAddress: {
administrativeArea: string;
countryCode: string;
postalCode: string;
locality: string;
updateWith: Function;
# ShippingMethodChangeResponse
interface ShippingMethodChangeResponse {
shippingMethod: {
id: string;
updateWith: Function;
# CouponCodeChangeResponse
interface CouponCodeChangeResponse {
couponCode: string;
updateWith: Function;