# Payment Sheet Events
Learn how to handle user interaction with payment sheet by listening to the following events and injecting callback handler
# Wallet Button Click
Triggered when wallet button is clicked. Event object is WalletButtonClickResponse
collect.on("wallet_button_click", (e) => {
console.log(e.source); //"apple_pay" or "google_pay"
# Payment Authorized required
Triggered when payment authorization is completed. Event object is PaymentAuthorizedResponse
Supported complete()
- error – WalletError (see InvalidBillingContact error for details)
The nonce you receive from event should be passed to your backend for processing payment. Once the charging is successful then e.complete() will close the payment sheet. If there are failure during this point, you can use e.complete(WalletError) to prompt user to try again.
collect.on("payment_authorized", (e) => {
# PaymentAuthorizedResponse
interface PaymentAuthorizedResponse {
nonce: string;
source: PaymentMethod; // "apple_pay" or "google_pay"
shippingAddress?: Address; // complete address
billingAddress?: Address;
complete: Function; // only for handling error: invalid billing address
interface Address {
emailAddress?: string;
administrativeArea?: string;
countryCode?: string;
postalCode?: string;
locality?: string;
phoneNumber?: string;
addressLines?: string[];
name?: string;
# Shipping Address Change recommended
This event is only available when you enable shipping contact flag in WalletRequest.requireShippingAddress
const walletRequest = {
requireShippingAddress: true,
Depending on the country, some shipping address fields can be missing or partially redacted due to privacy reason. Browser will return minimum information necessary for calculating tax or shipping cost. For US, event will return countryCode
, postalCode
, locality
, and administrativeArea
Triggered when the user selects an address for shipping. Event object is ShippingAddressChangeResponse. This event listens to Google event onPaymentDataChanged.
Supported updateWith options
- total – LineItem
- lineItems – list of LineItem
- shippingMethods – list of ShippingMethod
- error – WalletError (see Invalid Shipping Contact error for details)
# ShippingAddressResponse
interface ShippingAddressResponse {
shippingAddress: Address; // IMPORTANT: some fields can be redacted for security purposes
updateWith: Function;
interface Address {
// some fields can be redacted
administrativeArea?: string;
countryCode?: string;
postalCode?: string;
locality?: string;
# Sample Code
collect.on("shipping_address_change", (e) => {
const options = {
lineItems: [
label: "Turkey Legs",
amount: "10.00",
label: "Ground Shipping",
amount: "2.00",
shippingMethods: [
id: "ground_ship",
label: "Ground Shipping",
detail: "(3-business days) Ground shipping fulfilled by GoDaddy",
amount: "2.00",
total: {
label: "TOTAL",
amount: "12.00", //GooglePay does NOT calculate total cost on-the-fly
# Shipping Method Change
This event is only available when you enable shipping contact flag in WalletRequest.requireShippingAddress
const walletRequest = {
requireShippingAddress: true,
Triggered when the user changes shipping method. Event object is ShippingMethodChangeResponse. This event listens to Google event onPaymentDataChanged.
Supported updateWith options
- total – LineItem
- lineItems – list of LineItem
# ShippingMethodResponse
interface ShippingMethodResponse {
shippingMethod: ShippingMethod;
updateWith: Function;
interface ShippingMethod {
id: string;
label: string;
detail: string;
amount: string;
# Sample Code
collect.on("shipping_method_change", (e) => {
const shippingMethod = e.shippingMethod
const shippingAmount = shippingMethod.amount;
const shippingLabel = shippingMethod.label;
const lineItems = [
label: "Turkey Legs",
amount: "10.00",
label: shippingLabel,
amount: shippingAmount,
const options = {
lineItems: lineItems,
total: {
label: "TOTAL",
amount: (10.0 + parseFloat(shippingAmount)).toString(), //GooglePay does NOT calculate total cost on-the-fly
# Coupon Code Change
This event is only available when you enable support coupon code flag in WalletRequest.supportCouponCode
const walletRequest = {
supportCouponCode: true,
Triggered when the user applies or removes coupon code. Event object is CouponCodeChangeResponse. This event listens to Google event onPaymentDataChanged.
IMPORTANT: Event will be triggered on every attempt to add or delete coupon code. You need to validate coupon and pass a couponCode object to the updateWith method. couponCode can contain object with coupon data that was successfully applied to the order to display it on the payment sheet or an object with empty data to remove coupon from the payment sheet:
Supported updateWith options
- total – LineItem
- lineItems – list of LineItem
- shippingMethods – list of ShippingMethod
- couponCode - CouponCode (required if no error is passed)
- error – WalletError (see Invalid Coupon Code error for details)
collect.on("coupon_code_change", (e) => {
const couponCode = e.couponCode;
... //process coupon codes
# CouponCodeResponse
interface CouponCodeResponse {
couponCode: string;
updateWith: Function;
# Sample Code
Initialize order details and available coupon codes before user interacts with wallet button
const order = {
total: {
label: "TOTAL",
amount: "10.00",
lineItems: [
label: "Blanket",
amount: "10.00",
coupon: {
code: "",
label: "",
amount: "0.00",
//Define available coupon codes to apply
const availableCouponCodes = [
code: "free",
label: "Free Shipping",
amount: "0.00",
code: "discount10",
label: "10$ discount",
amount: "-10.00",
Setup coupon_code_change event handler and update line items, shipping method, coupon codes details and total
collect.on("coupon_code_change", (e) => {
//e.couponCode can be an empty string when user removes code from a payment sheet
if (!e.couponCode) {
//Pass an object with empty data in "updateWith" to remove coupon code from payment sheet
order.coupon = {
code: "",
label: "",
amount: "0.00",
} else {
//You can validate coupon code here and attach an error object to options if it's needed
if (e.couponCode === "error") {
const options = {
error: {
code: "invalid_coupon_code",
message: "Coupon code " + e.couponCode + " does not exists",
order.coupon = couponCode;
const shippingMethods = order.coupon === "free" ? [
id: "next_day",
label: "Free Next-Day Shipping (coupon)",
detail: "Free next-day shipping fulfilled by GoDaddy",
amount: "0.00",
id: "standard",
label: "(2-business days) Free Standard Shipping (coupon)",
detail: "Free standard shipping fulfilled by GoDaddy",
amount: "0.00",
] : [
id: "next_day",
label: "Free Next-Day Shipping",
detail: "Free next-day shipping fulfilled by GoDaddy",
amount: "0.00",
id: "standard",
label: "(2-business days) Free Standard Shipping",
detail: "Free standard shipping fulfilled by GoDaddy",
amount: "5.00",
//Wallet defaults to first shipping method if coupon changed
const shippingMethod = shippingMethods[0];
const shippingCost = parseFloat(shippingMethod.amount);
const totalAmount = parseFloat(order.total.amount) + shippingCost;
const lineItems = order.lineItems.concat([
label: shippingMethod.label,
amount: shippingMethod.amount,
//Add coupon code to line items and total amount
if (order.coupon.code) {
lineItems.push({ ...order.coupon });
totalAmount += parseFloat(order.coupon.amount || "0.00");
const options = {
lineItems: lineItems,
shippingMethods: shippingMethods,
couponCode: { ...order.coupon }, //this field is required in "coupon_code_change" event if no error is passed,
total: {
label: "TOTAL",
amount: totalAmount.toString(),
# Close Wallet
Triggered when user exits payment sheet.
collect.on("close_wallet", () => {