# Creating a Payment Token
The nonce obtained will be used in the /tokenize call to get a payment token, which is a JWT. As a part of the response, GoDaddy Poynt will send you back the AVS and CVV response that the processor has provided.
You must save the token by interpreting the processor validation response. The tokenize output will also contain the status of the payment token to identify the processor validation status.
If you wish to send a receipt to the customer, you must set the emailReceipt
attribute to true and provide the recipient email ID in the receiptEmailAddress
To obtain the ACCESS_TOKEN
, please refer to the linked documentation.
Remember to place your businessId in the {businessId} section in the Request URL
Request URL: https://services.poynt.net/businesses/{businessId}/cards/tokenize
Request method: POST
Request headers: Authorization: bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>
Request body:
"nonce": "12345678-1234-1234-12345789012"
Response body:
"card": {
"type": "VISA",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"expirationMonth": 0,
"expirationYear": 00,
"id": 000000,
"numberFirst6": "000000",
"numberLast4": "0000",
"numberMasked": "000000******0000",
"cardId": "11111111-1234-1234-12345789012"
"applicationId": "urn:aid:12345678-1234-1234-12345789012",
"token": "<token>",
"paymentToken": "<Payment JWT>",
"avsResponse": {
"addressResult": "MATCH",
"postalCodeResult": "MATCH"
"cvvResponse": "MATCH",
"status" : "ACTIVE"
If the processor is unable to verify a card, which can be due to an invalid card, the tokenize sample output data will be the folllowing:
"card": {
"type": "VISA",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"expirationMonth": 00,
"expirationYear": 00,
"id": 000000,
"numberFirst6": "000000",
"numberLast4": "0000",
"numberMasked": "000000******0000",
"cardId": "11111111-1234-1234-12345789012"
"applicationId": "urn:aid:12345678-1234-1234-12345789012",
"avsResponse": {
"addressResult": "UNAVAILABLE",
"postalCodeResult": "UNAVAILABLE"
"cvvResponse": "NOT_APPLICABLE",
"status" : "INVALID"
# Charging a Payment Token
Once you have obtained a validated token, it will allow you to process a charge with it. This request should originate from your server and use the same OAuth2 flow described below. The payment token JWT will be used to charge the card.
The values for storeId
and storeDeviceId
can be obtained by doing a GET call to the businessId
GET /businesses/{businessId}
To obtain the business information.GET /businesses/{businessId}/stores
To obtain the stores under a specific business.
Request URL: https://services.poynt.net/businesses/{businessId}/cards/tokenize/charge
Request method: POST
Request headers: Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN
Request body:
"action": "<SALE/AUTHORIZE>",
"context": {
"businessId": "807v27cf-5e7d-4158-bd32-b27e4d3ce038",
"storeId": "b3v6cc9b-40bd-413e-b3e0-8e0355516c00",
"amounts": {
"transactionAmount": 300,
"orderAmount": 300,
"currency": "USD"
"fundingSource": {
"cardToken": "<payment JWT>"
"emailReceipt" : true,
"receiptEmailAddress" : "joe@example.com"
Response body:
"createdAt": "2020-10-29T18:15:18Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-10-29T18:26:56Z",
"context": {
"businessType": "TEST_MERCHANT",
"transmissionAtLocal": "2020-03-30T16:55:29Z",
"storeDeviceId": "urn:tid:12345678-1234-1234-12345789012",
"mcc": "1234",
"source": "INSTORE",
"businessId": "12345678-1234-1234-12345789012",
"storeId": "12345678-1234-1234-12345789012"
"fundingSource": {
"debit": false,
"card": {
"cardBrand": {
"createdAt": "2020-04-15T04:35:31Z",
"scheme": "VISA",
"logoUrl": "",
"displayName": "Visa",
"id": "11111111-1234-1234-12345789012"
"type": "VISA",
"expirationMonth": 00,
"expirationYear": 0000,
"id": 000000,
"numberFirst6": "000000",
"numberLast4": "0000",
"numberMasked": "000000******0000",
"serviceCode": "101",
"cardId": "11111111-1234-1234-12345789012"
"entryDetails": {
"customerPresenceStatus": "MOTO",
"entryMode": "KEYED"
"type": "CREDIT_DEBIT",
"cardToken": "<payment JWT>"
"customerUserId": 0000,
"processorResponse": {
"approvedAmount": 300,
"emvTags": {
"0x8A": "3030"
"processor": "ELAVON",
"acquirer": "ELAVON",
"status": "Successful",
"statusCode": "AA",
"statusMessage": "APPROVAL",
"transactionId": "0000000",
"approvalCode": "00000",
"batchId": "000"
"action": "<SALE/AUTHORIZE>",
"amounts": {
"transactionAmount": 300,
"orderAmount": 300,
"tipAmount": 0,
"cashbackAmount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"id": "c5d3730e-3774-4af6-b513-592249771092"