# Developing a Loyalty App

# General Overview

PoyntOS SDK provides an easy way for third-party application to register as a loyalty service on the smart terminal by implementing the IPoyntLoyaltyService interface. The solution will work with any smart terminal application that deals with orders on PoyntOS.


We have also created a GitHub repository with a Loyal Application Sample (opens new window) for your reference.

# App Components

  • Loyalty Capability Configuration (loyalty_capability.xml)

  • Service implementation of IpoyntLoyaltyService (opens new window)

  • Activity to provide additional information such as PIN from the merchant side. (if needed)

# Capability Configuration

This configuration file provides the necessary information for PoyntOS to discover and register this application as a loyalty provider when the app is installed on the smart terminal. The configuration file should be located in the res/xml directory of your application and referenced from your app’s manifest.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Use the package name as the capability identifier-->
    <!-- capability supported by this app -->
    <!-- descriptive name of this capability. This name will show in Payment Fragment options menu-->
    <provider>POS Loyalty</provider>
    <!-- not used currently -->
    <!-- custom entry mode managed by capability  -->
    <entry_method type="CUSTOM" />

Below is the snippet to export your capability service and reference the loyalty capability configuration:


 <!-- Loyalty service and the activity needs to be exported-->
        <action android:name="co.poynt.os.services.v1.IPoyntLoyaltyService"/>
 <!-- Activity to fetch additional information from merchant or user -->

# IPoyntLoyaltyService UI

Your Android Service class needs to implement the IPoyntLoyaltyService interface’s process() method, and after verifying that the Payment object has an order, you can follow the applicable steps outlined below:

  1. Create a discount object, update the order object and call loyaltyApplied(payment, requestId) on the listener to return control back to the Payment Fragment.

  2. If the discount cannot be applied call noLoyaltyApplied(requestId) on the listener.

  3. If you require an additional input from merchant or customer such as customer check-in, you can create an Intent and return it to the Payment Fragment using listener’s onLaunchActivity(intent, requestId) callback.

Payment Fragment will launch your activity using the intent provided. (Highlighted code in the sample)


public class LoyaltyService extends Service {
    public static final String TAG = LoyaltyService.class.getSimpleName();

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return mBinder;

    private final IPoyntLoyaltyService.Stub mBinder = new IPoyntLoyaltyService.Stub() {
        public void process(Payment payment, String requestId, IPoyntLoyaltyServiceListener iPoyntLoyaltyServiceListener) throws RemoteException {
            Log.d(TAG, "Process Payment");
            // Apply discount if there is an order associated with the payment
            if (payment.getOrder() != null) {

                /* Use this block of code to launch an activity to collect additional information
                Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_PROCESS_LOYALTY);
                intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(getPackageName(), LoyaltyActivity.class.getName()));
                intent.putExtra("payment", payment);
                iPoyntLoyaltyServiceListener.onLaunchActivity(intent, requestId);*/

                Order order = payment.getOrder();

                // Create a Discount object
                Discount loyaltyDiscount = new Discount();
                loyaltyDiscount.setAmount(-200l); // discount is always negative
                loyaltyDiscount.setCustomName("Loyalty Discount");

                // Get the existing discounts from order and add the new discount to it
                List<Discount> orderDiscounts = order.getDiscounts() != null ? order.getDiscounts() : new ArrayList<>();

                // Update the discount total in order amounts
                long discountAmount = order.getAmounts().getDiscountTotal();
                discountAmount += loyaltyDiscount.getAmount();

                // Add the discount to net total to reflect in the order totals
                long orderTotalAmount = order.getAmounts().getNetTotal();
                orderTotalAmount += loyaltyDiscount.getAmount();


                Log.d(TAG, "Applied discount to order");
                iPoyntLoyaltyServiceListener.loyaltyApplied(payment, requestId);
            } else {
                Log.d(TAG, "Order not found, no discount applied");


# Collecting Additional Input

If your loyalty application needs to perform an action such as collecting additional input from the customer or merchant, allowing the merchant to select specific reward, etc, your service class should create an explicit Intent for Payment Fragment to launch your activity.


Make sure you also pass the payment object as an extra in the intent.

We have added a sample activity below, which is launched by the Payment Fragment and presents a button which applies a “$2 Discount” to the order.


Make sure to always set the result before exiting an activity and in the case where you apply a discount, make sure to create an intent with the action Intents.ACTION_PROCESS_LOYALTY_RESULT.

public class LoyaltyActivity extends Activity {
    public static final String TAG = LoyaltyService.class.getSimpleName();
    public static final String WATER_SKU = "082011500013";
    EditText pinText;

    Payment payment;

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Creating Loyalty Activity");

        // Get the intent that launched the activity
        Intent receivedIntent = getIntent();
        if (receivedIntent == null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Loyalty activity launched with no intent");
        } else {

    // Handle all the negative cases
    private void handleIntent(Intent intent) {
        String action = intent.getAction();
        // If the action is to process loyalty proceed further
        if (Intents.ACTION_PROCESS_LOYALTY.equals(action)) {
            // Get the payment object from intent extras
            this.payment = intent.getParcelableExtra("payment");
            // If payment object is null close the activity
            if (payment == null) {
                Log.e(TAG, "launched with no payment object");
                Intent result = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_PROCESS_LOYALTY_RESULT);
                setResult(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, result);
            } else {
                // If the payment has no valid order finish the activity
                if (payment.getOrder() == null) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "launched with no order object");
                    Intent result = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_PROCESS_LOYALTY_RESULT);
                    setResult(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, result);
                } else {
                    // wait till the Add discount is clicked
        // If the action is not to process loyalty quit the activity
        else {
            Log.e(TAG, "launched with unknown intent action");
            Intent result = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_PROCESS_LOYALTY_RESULT);
            setResult(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, result);
    // Button that is clicked after entering PIN
    public void onEnterLoyaltyButton(View view) {
        // Check the pin and do necessary operations
        long pin = Long.valueOf(pinText.getText().toString());

        if (pin == 123456) {
            Order order = payment.getOrder();

            // Create a Discount object for the order
            Discount loyaltyDiscount = new Discount();
            loyaltyDiscount.setAmount(-200l); // discount is always negative
            loyaltyDiscount.setCustomName("Loyalty Discount");

            // Get the existing discounts from order and add the new discount to it
            List<Discount> orderDiscounts = order.getDiscounts() != null ? order.getDiscounts() : new ArrayList<>();

            // Update the discount total in order amounts
            long discountAmount = order.getAmounts().getDiscountTotal();
            discountAmount += loyaltyDiscount.getAmount();

            long orderTotalAmount = order.getAmounts().getNetTotal();
            // Check if the discount exceeds order total
            if (orderTotalAmount >= Math.abs(discountAmount)) {

                // Add the discount to net total to reflect in the order totals
                orderTotalAmount += loyaltyDiscount.getAmount();


                Log.d(TAG, "Applied discount to order");
                Intent result = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_PROCESS_LOYALTY_RESULT);
                result.putExtra("payment", payment);
                setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, result);
            } else {
                finishWithToast("Discount amount is larger than total order amount", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
        } else {
            Toast.makeText(LoyaltyActivity.this, "Incorrect pin entered", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    private void finishWithToast(String toastMessage, int toastLength) {
        Toast.makeText(LoyaltyActivity.this, toastMessage, toastLength).show();
        // It is important to set activity result before exiting
        Intent result = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_PROCESS_LOYALTY_RESULT);
        setResult(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, result);

# Transaction Notification

If your loyalty application needs to get notified when the transaction is completed or canceled, you can create a BroadcastReceiver and register it to listen to Intents.ACTION_TRANSACTION_COMPLETED and Intents.ACTION_PAYMENT_CANCELED.

# Item Discounts

Discounts can also be applied to a specific product within the order.

the following snippet applies a discount to an item within an order.

if (order.getItems() != null) {
    // Get the list of items in the order and apply the discount to item if the order has it
    List<OrderItem> orderItems = order.getItems();
    for (int i=0; i<orderItems.size(); i++){
        OrderItem item = orderItems.get(i);
        if (item.getSku() != null && item.getSku().equals(WATER_SKU)) {
            // Create a discount object
            Discount itemDiscount = new Discount();
            itemDiscount.setCustomName("Loyalty Discount");

            // Add discount object to the item Discounts
            List<Discount> itemDiscounts = item.getDiscounts() != null ? item.getDiscounts() : new ArrayList<>();
            item.setDiscount(item.getDiscount() + itemDiscount.getAmount());
            orderItems.set(i, item);

            // Update order total discount
            long discountAmount = order.getAmounts().getDiscountTotal();
            discountAmount -= itemDiscount.getAmount();

            // Add up the item discount to the total order discount
            long orderTotalAmount = order.getAmounts().getNetTotal();
            orderTotalAmount -= itemDiscount.getAmount();

            Log.d(TAG, "Applied discount to item with sku: " + WATER_SKU);
            Intent result = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_PROCESS_LOYALTY_RESULT);
            result.putExtra("payment", payment);
            setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, result);
} else {
    Log.d(TAG, "No items in order");
    finishWithToast("No order items in the order", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);


Product Identifier
The SKU and product Id's can change from merchant to merchant, use this with caution.

Once the discount is applied to the order, please remember to pass back the modified order in the payment object and finish the activity with a RESULT_OK.

Last Updated: 10/4/2022, 8:01:35 AM